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6 Across the World.



Rosarito y Tiajuana

Rosarito y Tiajuana

My Central & North American Trip 2001
Costa Rica | Los Angeles | Mexico

When I came to visit Jaime in Los Angeles I didn't imagine we'd have the time or the opportunity to visit Mexico as well, so I was really excited to step foot in yet another country. Admittedly, just over the border from the States is not exactly the same as being in Mexico City, for example, but for me it was a great taste of Mexico.

On the way
to Mexico.

It was fairly early in the morning, when we headed out under friendly blue skies dotted with the occasional cloud, to our sides, bare trees lined the eedge of the motorway. In just under three hours we'd be crossing the border into Mexico - a country associated with ponchoed figures with wide sombreroes, eluding the hot searing sun. But of course we were barely into February so the weather was bound to be at least a little chilly.

We parked just after crossing the border for a bathroom break and I took an innocent pic of the border control, not knowing it was prohibido. Luckily I didn't have to turn over my camera or lose my film, etc...

Howdy Par'ner!

Jaime first brought me to a picturesque seaside town called Rosarito. This is where they filmed the movie 'Titanic' and at the time there was talk of a museum being built to commemorate the fact that this is where one of the biggest grossing box office hits was filmed. Wonder if they went through with it?

Jaime took me to a beachside hotel where we had a look around and walked along the beach for awhile. While we were there we saw a guy hiring horse rides along the beach. I cant' remember how much the guy wanted to hire the horses for but Jaime thought it too much so he did bring him down a little. It was cool to be on a horse again. I haven't ridden for over seven years, and even then I'm not what you'd call an experienced rider. Even so I guess I can't be too bad because the horse I was on was a little feisty and needed to be co-erced into going the way I wanted to and even colted a little and I had pull the reigns back.

Getting out of the 
merciless February sun.

After our trot along the beach we made our way back to the hotel and sat awhile in the sun (Even in February. Not bad, eh?) We had a look around the hotel and I recognised a copy engraving of the lid of Palanque from a book I'd read only a few months before on the god of the Mayas.

The Lid of the
tomb of Palenque.

Young kids begging
for change. 'Begging for change'
Doesn't that say it all?

Next it was time to head to Tiajuana. This city, I've been told by other friends, is the armpit of Mexico (not my words) and it was interesting to see it. To be honest, what I saw was a city pretty much like any other. By the time we'd arrived it'd become overcast and was raining a little (ah, now I know I'm in February!)

One feature that did remind me that I was in a 'poorer' country was the site of small children begging for change. Here they are to the right.

We walked around for a while and stopped for a bite to eat at a small cafe that Jaime knows well. I can't be 100% on what I had but I'm fairly sure it had to be Casado once more.

Looking a bit nippy next
too a Mayan (I think) statue.

We wandered around the streets did a bit of shopping, watched a TV report being filmed outside some official looking sports building, hit a couple of bars (not many - Jaime was driving) before wearily heading back to the border and back stateside and having a few beers at a club Jaime knows well. I forget the name but the owner is a Taiwanese guy, and we chatted awhile.

What a cool way to end my day-trip to Mexico.

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My Central & North American Trip 2001
Costa Rica | Los Angeles | Mexico

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Last updated 25/11/2001- Created using Tripod Freeform by Rob Price.

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