Only a couple of years ago the thought of even visiting Australia, let alone spending the Millenium in Sydney, would have been just a dream. So much has happened in the past four years which result in so many of my dreams becoming everyday occurences I sometimes find it hard to believe. I'd like to give a really big thank you to three people I've been lucky enough to meet during the last four years, my friends,Mike, Kenig, and Paul and all their friends who made my trip to Australia truly memorable At 9:00pm on Dec.26 after spending Boxing day in very good company in cold and wintery Taipei, I took off on the first leg of a longstanding ambition to visit Australia. Ever since Geography lessons with Mr. Leaf at Western Secondary have I wanted to see the country for myself. I knew that this time, as my time was limited (as well as my budget,) I was only really going to spend time in Sydney but that didn't matter at all. I was going to meet up with friends whom I hadn't seen in quite a while. Well... okay, Mike came to Taipei in September '99 but seeing as we had some problems with taxi drivers we didn't get to spend much time together. So I overnighted in the Airport Hotel at Bangkok Airport which was nicely sorted out by Dawn at Astor Travel, Taipei,(02 2545 8199) and was included in the flight price which came to something like NT$23,500. Not too bad at all. So I was awoken by my early morning wake up and had breakfast courtesy of the airport (or included in the price) and made ready to board my flight which left at 08:15 landing at Sydney at 21:25 (both local times.) I was greeted at the Airport by Mike and good news. Mike's getting married.
I used to think that my life was full of co-incidences (okay, well yes I still do!) but Mike being one of those coincidences in my life I should have realised that it wouldn't just be my life affected by this unknown force. What's the point? Well... it transpires that both Mike and Berta have been good friends for many years and both of them are Lebanese by heritage although Berta's family emigrated to the States while Mike's family located to Australia. So Mike and Berta became good friends on reunions with family in Lebanon and they've kept in touch through post and e-mail. Then something strange happened around Christmas time last year. Mike had sent Berta's Christmas card and a couple of days later an envelope from Berta arrived at his house only when Mike opened it he found he was looking at the card he'd sent. Or so he thought. Surprised and wondering why Berta had sent his card back to him he opened it to find... that it wasn't his handwriting. Out of all the thousands of cards in both Australia and the U.S. they had sent each other identical cards.
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