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EnglandEngland |
July'01 July'01
Grimsby & Corsham |
On Tuesday I took the bus to London and met up with Judy Nel, my good friend from S.A. who I know from Daniel's theatre group in Taiwan. She's in the UK for interviews for her dream job of teaching and living in the UK. We'd hoped to meet in the Lake District and I'd hoped to stay at Wordsworth's home, as Judy has friends who run the home as a tourist attraction. This was not to be however but London's a good substitute.
The first afternoon (I got in at 2:00) was spent in the Rat and Parrot over the road from the bus station in Victoria, with Judy and her friend Sara, drinking and catching up. However a trip to the police station was needed when it was discovered that Judy's camera had been stolen. I'll refrain from a strong show of emotion here (rot their eyes.)
While in London I stayed with Judy at the house of one of her students from South Africa. There were five girls living in this house and they were all very hospitable. Ah, what a holiday.
On the Tuesday I went into Central London with Judy and we strolled around our respective old haunts, such as Carnaby St. where I used to work in the Shakespeares Head and Judy showed me where she to work when she lived in the capital around the same time as I was there. We stopped in at Hamleys and had a lark for a while before going for a coffee in Convent Gardens and watching the street performers.
I took this shot of an unwilling Martin who was co-erced by his wife (I assume) to take part in the show an hand the juggler his pins.
In the evening I met up with Jo Mundy, whom I'd met in Bangkok last summer. We went drinking and chatted about travel, life, etc... Contrary to popular belief, these people that spring upon you in London, asking for a regular donation from your bank account really are nice people - any clues as to what Jo does? We did a short tour round Soho and had us a few bevvies. Judy was due to leave London the following morn for the Lake District so I arranged to meet Jo in Victoria at 11:00.
This we did and my first call was in the first easyeverything.com cyber cafe to check my flight details (all booked over the internet, y'see!) Easyeverything is were I got to be the first customer through the door on it's opening day, and shook hands with Stilios, back on the 21st July, 1999, the day I left the UK to fly to Hong Kong and Taiwan. To my horror I found that I'd mixed up the time of my cheap flight to Stockholm with the actual arrival time. 5:00pm wasn't my departure time - it was my arrival time!
I felt a large lump in my throat!
I'd have to rush like a madman but maybe I could make it. Said a hurried goodbye to Jo and careered across London from Victoria to Stansted to get there (even buying travellers cheques) before 1:30pm. To be continued
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Last updated 25/11/2001- Created using Tripod Freeform by Rob
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