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Thailand 2001
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Time of Writing - 3.6.2001
Location - Koh Samui, Thailand
Sitting outside a large beach hut waiting for service and letting the fatigue of the past days drain through our feet, we listen to Latin elevator music against the lapping waves only 15 feet away and the polite chatter of the other customers of this bar, here in Koh Samui, Thailand.
The we I mention is myself plus Dafir, an Ozzie of Moroccan-Dutch descent who dropped by my table in Kaoh Sarn Rd. and asked if I needed a drinking buddy (dodgey geezer.) That was Thursday, the day I arrived.
I left Taipei on Thursday after a night with very little sleep. The full few days since my "Outta Here" party were so choc-a-bloc of tidying this, arranging that etc... so on Wednesday night I had dinner with my good friend, Judy, chatted of life and how she'll ever manage without my wisdom and council (yada yada yada...) and returned home to pack as much as I thought I needed yet still managed to forget a few things like Sunscreen (Should've listened to the Kurt Vonnegut mix, eh?)
Thursday morning after very little sleep I rushed around like a last minute fly and took a taxi to the Lai-Lai Sheraton Hotel to meet Suzanne and catch the airport bus there. As she has a class out at Zhongli, which isn't too far from the airport, Suzanne came along to see me off. On the way we talked about the possibility of travelling together in Eastern Europe, Russia etc.. in late Summer.
The flight was very uneventful, movie, lunch etc... but for some reason I was surprised by the swiftness of my transition between the streets of Taipei and the cafes that run the length of Kaoh Sarn Rd. (I guess mainly because the last few flights I've gone via BKK have been real long haul flights.)
On arrival I sought out and booked into the Good Luck guest house, which offers a most basic room plus fan for 100 baht. A shower and change of clothes later and I'm out for dinner and a movie. Enter Dafir, halfway through 'Final Destination'. I think it was originally both our intentions to sleep early that night but new acquaintances and the beckons of beer put laid to that plan. Doh!!! what are the odds.

Friday, 2nd June.
Headed for bed around 3a.m. but according to Dafir his party kept going with other travellers, a guitar and a fried earwig vendor until around 5. ( I mean a vendor who sells fried earwigs, not... oh, never mind!)
So on waking much later in the day, I did some internet at Hello Cafe (laboriously slow - not worth 30 baht per hour.) and then met up with Dafir again, (cafe at his hotel, you see.)

We ventured out to see some of the local sights, not too far from Kaoh Sarn, like the Democracy monument and on walking around found a canal bus that took us to Sukumwit Road for just 7 baht. The ride was great and added a bit of excitement to the day. There was a point where I was standing up to take a photo and felt a hand on my shoulder pushing me to sit down. As soon as I sat, the canvas roof of the boat came down a foot and we zoomed under a low concrete bridge. Ouch, that would've smarted.
 We eventually came to a disembarkation point where we were ushered off the boat. After finding our way from the river I immediately recognised the area that I'd been in about four years ago on my first trip to Thailand. I took Dafir over to the market over the road and we looked and walked and looked and walked etc...
We wandered around *** department store and took a coffee on the 2nd floor where we got talking to an Ozzie girl, Emma, headed for Ireland and exchanged e-mails so I could send her and her friend student cards acquired from KaohSarn Rd. After the coffee we walked more, found a bigger department store cum supermarket which took up about 5 floors, bought supplies such as snorkel and mask, had Pad Thai noodles, then took a tuk-tuk back to the Kaoh Sarn Rd. for B70.
Back at K.S. had a couple of beers at the Grand guest house (through the back in the beer garden) and had a couple of games of pool. Met up with some of the local expats working in BKK and just generally chewed the fat. Back to the Hello cafe to do e-mail and so to bed - but not before 1:00 at the least.
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