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Kwan-Ak H.S.

Friends in Korea

Other links in Asia

Korea Japan China Hong Kong
Taiwan Asian Trip Y2K Thailand 2001
Eurasia 2001 (unfinished)

Lee Moon-Suk Cho Rim Chung Tom Brannan Kwon Kye-Hee Jang Chang Hyun Kim Sun-Ae Wang Xiao-Dong Soo-Ja Carstens


You may (should you wish to) be able to pick me out somewhere within this mass of Korean beauties at the reception of Mark Bobitka's wedding in '97. Mark, from the states, came to Korea with Koretta the same time as myself to join his brother who'd already moved out to Korea some time before and also married a Korean girl. The last update I had, Mark was planning to return to the states to continue his education.

Wang Xiao-Dong

Here's another amazing tale to add to my travel stories. I met Xiao-Dong in Seoul while studying Korean at E-Hwa University. There were many others in the class but I only have a photo of Xiao-Dong. After passing level 3 I discontinued studying at E-Hwa but would occasionally keep in touch with Xiao-Dong - then in July '98, just before I returned to the UK after finishing my contract at Kwan-Ak High School, I met up with Xiao-Dong who told me that she was interested in studying in the UK. I gave her some useful web-site URLs to check out and also had a Hull University prospectus which I gave her.

I left Korea and returned to work at the Kyongju Expo before returning to the UK where I started working for
Celanese. After the birth of my nephew Jamie I sent out E-mails to my friends to tell them my happy news and lo and behold I receive a reply from Xiao-Dong telling me that she applied to Hull University and is studying Finance there. She supplied her number there and I rang it quickly and the next weekend myself and Tracy Warren took the bus over to Hull to welcome Xiao-Dong to the UK (a little late - she's been here since October '98.)

Kwon Kye-Hee

While returning from Kyongju with Wang Xiao-Dong in early 1998 I met Kye-Hee while leaving the train station at Young-Deung-Po and seeing as it was the early hours of the morning and we discovered that we lived in the same general direction we shared a taxi together. Kye-Hee also teaches English but in an elementary school in Seoul.

Here in the photo we're enjoying a night out at TGI Fridays in Mok-Dong with Kye-Hee's neice who's a real cutie and even though I was the first non Korean that she'd met she wasn't phased by it at all.

Kim Sun-Ae

Here Kim Sun-Ae and I sit by a pond at the Seoul National Museum of Art. I met Sun-Ae at Daniel Billet's leaving party and as Sun-Ae is a French student, having lived in France, we instantly had something in common. Once having worked for a Swedish company in Seoul Sun-Ae is now studying UE studies in Seoul but like most of her friends wishes to travel again.

Chang In-Son

Here's a photo-sticker of the type that are so popular in Korea and Japan these days. Here's myself In-Son (in the middle) and one of the guys from my Chinese class in Seoul.

In-Son works at the Seoul University of Foreign Studies and for someone who's learnt English in Korea she speaks amazingly well. We met at one of Derrick Takerers parties in Seoul.

Soo-Ja Carstens

Here's myself with Soo-Ja at one of the markets in Pusan. We met while I was working at the Expo in Kyongju and Soo-Ja was one of the many thousands of tourists during the two month event.

Soo-Ja was born in Korea but Orphaned and brought up in Berlin, Germany. Once old enough she came to Korea to see what her parents country is like, to study Korean and also travel around South-East Asia including Singapore and Malaysia. She's a talented artist and has illustrated a children's story book in her native Germany.

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Site created 19th March 1999 currently being overhauled - Created using hey, HTML by Rob Price.

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