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***Thailand 5*** |
June 2001
Koh Phang Ngan.
Bankok 2000 |
Thailand 2001
Th. -Fr. |
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Fri.-Sat. |
Sun.-Mon. |

about 8:00 surprisingly enough then up and had brekkers while Dafir slept in. Then I went back and showered and as we still had the4 bikes we took Gecko along the coast to Harry's other bar. We played an improvised game of Snooker (not enough red balls and no-one was able to remember teh point values of the coloured balls.) Harry came down just before teh game finished and started to reprimand Gecko for some incident at the beach bar the night before. Daf and I shifted uneasily from foot to foot as we knew that Gecko had handed out the odd 'freebie' a couple of nights previously.
We set back for the Big Buddha and Daf had a mid morning breakfast at the pierside bar where we met Frank, a German guy, also headed for the full moon party. He had a huge backpack so we volunteered to look after it for him until after the party.
It was still early so I did some internet while Daf and Frank headed to the bench. At 3:30 we all headed to the Pier and the ferry left at 4:00. As usual, we just watched the horizon and talked utter crap all the way.
On docking at the Pier a short French girl with purple hair standing next to us had spotted some of her friends and start jumping up and down with excitement. While she was bouncing up and down she didn't notice her bag slipping away until it slid off the deck under the barrier and "Plunk!" it landed in the water. One guy jumped over the barrier and started ducking for it with no success so another guy followed and after a few attempts he came up, triumphant, with bag in hand. Lucky for this girl, the bag had everything, Passport, Travellers cheques, camera, etc...
On getting to the island famed for it's Full Moon parties we wondered whether we should take a taxi, tuk-tuk or what. As it turns out the island is pretty small and can be walked across in about 10 minutes flat -which is what we did.
There were plenty of people already there. By the time we got to the beach, making ready for the night's festivities. We, Dafir, Frank and I, headed for the end of the beach and set our stuff down on a rock and swam for 1/2 an hour or so.
After our swim we dried off on the rocks for a while and climbedmore rocks to a large bar overlooking the whole beach. What a great view. We got there just as the sun was setting and stayed a good hour or so after it was dark. While there I met a large peroxide white German guy named Kack (I had to ask just to make sure.)
Dafir spent time chatting with fellow Melbournians while I tried to keep up with Frank and Kack. After being there an hour we headed back to the main street between the two sides of the island and had dinner and a movie, "The Diary of Bridget Jones!"
And then... back to the beach! It was dark, music was blaring and people were dancing or sitting in big groups and drinking. All along the beach various DJ's were competing for the punters. People were dancing or sitting around in big groups and drinking. We joined a group of 3 Canadians and two British girls who were playing wsome sex-secret revalation related drinking game. It's funny what you can learn about someone when they've had a few. I had to go to the bathroom at one stage and when I got back it seemed that the layout of the beach had changed completely and I was totally lost. About 5 minutes of wandering brought me back to the fold. Daf and I went off for a gander and something to eat. Wayhey, we promptly bumped into Gecko who gave us a 3/4 bottle of Whiskey and then disappeared. We bought a bottle of cola and the whiskey disappeared within about five minutes (Well, maybe it was longer but it didn't seem so.)
What happened next is a bit of a blur (hey, big surprise) but it transpired that Daf went into a bar to take a photo from the 2nd floor (only to find when he got there that his photo was missing.)
I, meanwhile, must've sat down and just gotten too comfortable.
The next thing I know is that the music's still pumping, people are still dancing like crazy but ... it's broad daylight!!!! I guess what woke me up was the three girls sat around me, as soon as I awoke they asked, "You got to samui. You buy for us tick-et?" Without answering I just looked at my watch. It was 7:30 a.m. I was covered in sand and I'd been using my day pack as a pillow but miraclously everythign was still with me. Wallet, passport, etc.. there was even a camera in there. No idea whose that was (until later.)
After letting the girls know that I wasn't going to be buying extra tick-ets, I dusted myself off and started looking for Daf. Nowhre to be seen.
I headed back for the spot where we were swimming the night before and swam around for 20 mins to wake myself up. Then, as I was walking back down the beach I joined in a couple of guys who were practising yoga and stretched out with them. So, swimmed and stretched out I was a little peckish so off for brekkies at the same place we'd had dinner the night before (as it was the only place that appeared open.) I was tucking into porridge and banana when I was joined by a British girl I'd met while in the sex-secret drinking game (although she claimed to be completely oblivious to this.) Then we saw two British guys trying deperately not to drop about six water bottles wrapped (unsuccessfully) in a 'Dennis the Menace (the British, not the American, character) & Gnasher' towel. I commended them highly on their choice of towel and they stopped to explain their throries on 'why' Dennis isn't actually 'real' "I mean, look at those knees! Who has knees like that? Really?" Funnily enough the owner of the towel's name is Dennis and he's had the towel since he was 10 years old. Good show. The guys were waving goodbye and heading down the road when, wayhey, who turns up but, Dafir! (He said that he'd followed the sound of my laugh from a couple of streets away.) One of his first questions was 'Have you got my camera?' and luckily I still did!
Breakfast for Dafir and a trip back to check out the party (still going at 11:00am) and had a bit of a dance, then back to the pier to take the boat back back to Samui. We had a couple of hours to wait for the boat so as Dafir slept, I took a run along the beach.
Back in Samui, the rest of that day (and Thursday night) was spent relaxing and recuperating.
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